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7 advice on how not to let stress affect the weight

Previous article we discussed about "Five extremely Simple Weight Loss Tips", then on this occasion the following article will discuss about "7 advice on how not to let stress affect the weight

Does stress affect your struggle to lose weight?The stress power is to the life and work stresses that we face every day, which often included a "vicious circle" of increased stress and food intake. If this sounds like you read the following tips to help you manage stress over eating this unhealthy habit of checking.
People under stress tend to engage in self-destructive and unhealthy behaviors like overeating and there is strong biological evidence that people tend to gain weight faster stressed. "I'm stressed out to eat that." Many people complain. That they overeat in response to workplace or personal stress, if this sounds like you read the following tips to manage stress, overeating help you to check this unhealthy habit.

1st The practice of waiting. Reporter instant gratification when you are hungry. Tell yourself that you wait 10 to 30 minutes to eat. Chances are, if your craving with only stress related and will disappear when you allow yourself distracted.

2nd Keep a food diary of what you eat every day. Knowing that you have to write every bite or sting, can be a good way to remember to think before eating.

3rd Get help from a friend - preferably one who is tempted by the stress-related cravings. If you want to eat, write him / her a short note or a phone call.

4th Stay fed. Regular snack, a healthy diet to keep your energy level. Skipping meals, while under pressure only ask you to eat more, and unhealthy, if you move to eat.

5th After an overview of some messages that look most likely to order if to start the stress-longings. Use a message that works for you. Examples would be "Are you really hungry?" Or "Think about why you eat."

6th Article, to physically remove tempting foods from your home or office. 
Never go shopping when they are hungry and getting a list of foods at home before you buy only what you feel good food.

7th Take time for yourself every day. If it is 10 minutes to reflect and relax, or if it's a fun activity that revitalize, it is important to do this. Health is not just physical, mental well-being is so important that mental stress deserves every day!
In order not to miss the tips and information, before I even have written the following articles: 5 simple ways to increase metabolism and may be useful for you :)


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